
I'm just a human. I can be very selfish, sometime. I might have my ego. But I'm fragile on the inside. And I feel very hopeless. What happened in Egypt ............ is utterly heart-breaking. Heartless.

For those who's still clueless about what's happening in Egypt.., please read this:

Doa. Senjata Mukmin. Remember. Let's do our parts. 



Yeap. Today is the FIRST day of Raya. I know. But I'm not going to talk about the first day of Raya. Because technically, when I thought about going back to KMK this Saturday's night, it sorts of ruining my 'Raya mood'. Here I am, blogging in the dark, listening to Demi Lovato's The Middle, realising the fact that I should rise early tomorrow because we'll be having Open House, and it's already 12.40 am. I should make a research about innovation....... a proposal is waiting to be created. I should Google some Cellular Respiration notes, because it was complicated (to me) and the lecture was blurry (again, to me). But hey, I'm not doing any of those ... much. I'm happily blogging instead. Hah. That's me. Typical, I-don't-care me. 

So yeah ................... for someone who doesn't have a chemistry with the ... um, kitchen .. here we go, my FIRST cupcake! Because this cupcake only requires 3 ingredients, FLOUR + EGG + NUTELLA, yeay, I'm baking this! And it tastes ... GOOD (to me. lol). 

NUTELLA cupcake, anyone?

That morning, my mom baked Pavlova (which is really really tasty, sweet, and all good thing that describes desserts) and I asked mom to 'share' her pavlova's whipped cream for my cupcakes. heh.

Whoops. It's almost 1am. Gotta go .. to get some sleep. 

Ramadhan and Me

credit: Facebook?

This year's Ramadhan is quite different ... for me. Sounds cliche' ., but yeah, this year is the first year that I experienced 'my Ramadhan' at some places other than my home. They say, first time is always the hardest. In my case, yes, it was hard, considering the fact that I spent the first day of Ramadhan at home, so when I reached my college (4th Ramadhan), there's this sick, itchy feeling of wanting to spend the rest of Ramadhan at home. But then, I kept my head under the pressure (homesick, mid sem exam, quizzes) and went on until .......... I got home last Thursday, which was the last day of my mid sem exam. 

Still, It's Wednesday already and I don't feel like studying ... oh well, exam's over isn't it? The angel on the right says, "Girl, there's this Math assignment and a proposal and 3 lab reports..........so, let's finish those now," . But the devil on the left provokes, "Babe, tomorrow kann Raya .. Just leave it la.., you can always do it later,"


Oh, right. Ramadhan at Kolej Mara Kulim was memorable, to me. I don't want to get into details, but it was not that bad. Rela turun ke Dewan Selera at 5am untuk bersahur. Being a part of Majlis Ilmu. Berbuka di surau. Berbuka di dalam hostel (hehe.... breaking the rules once in a while is harmless..). 

Iftar with Mentor Mentee was incredibly awesome. Delicious food. Capturing moments. Laughing. Sharing. A moment to remember, indeed :)

FYI, for someone who doesn't even like Physics, like me, Allah has destined for me to accept a PHYSICS teacher as my MENTOR (yeap, the teacher that I mentioned in previous post). Honestly, I was terribly horrified when I received that news but um, everything happens for a reason, right? Heeee... 

This time, let's go back to 2012. It's 5 Amir 2012, people! So many stories to share, so little time! Ugh. Ada yang akan pergi ke Korea, US, Russia, etc. The rest study at UIA, UM, UTP, UITM, Matrikulasi, Maktab Perguruan, etc. Whoa. Semua membawa haluan masing-masing. I wish you all the BEST! And please, be yourself because you guys are amazing just the way you are ;) 

p/s: Time, please stop ><