
credit: Tumblr

I love the sound and smell of rain. It's like a chaos version of lullaby. Technically because I prefer sleeping when it rains rather than spooky quietness which will lead to creepy imagination of mine to arise. 

Just now, it was raining heavily, with a hint of storm which unable us to stay engrossed in 'scratching' our smartphones screens. Honestly, this virtual insanity (a song title that I just discovered from Mariel's dancing video and yeah, she's an inspiring choreographer) definitely irritates me. That's why I sometime read books rather than reading Wattpad (an e-book app). 

credit: Wordpress

Normally, on the couch, my mother would be checking out her FB thru her xperia, my father would smile upon reading his whatsapp messages, my little bro would listen to music while twittering and I have no choice but to grab my phone and browse through Instagram. The visual is exactly like how the Memes in Facebook portraying our lives these days where technology conquers. 

So when we all put down our smartphones, I noticed that we managed to somehow - TALK. Little conversation between me and my little siblings. And my mother could get her beauty sleep. Enjoy a good laugh. We used to roll our eyes at each for NO reason at all. But somehow I opened up about my failure when I was in my secondary school considering the fact that my lil bro is currently studying at the same secondary school I was in. Hmm. Good time.

It's just that, I noticed, the older I get, the less words I speak. But once I get really infuriated, the tone of my voice rising, I could make my big bro to keep his mouth shut, abruptly. Damn. Another part of me that I should know how to control is my - ANGER. 

p/s: Happy completing the SEVENTH day of Ramadan (7 is my favourite number!) :)